Exchanging business cards has been an age-old culture in business. Some cultures around the world even require them as basic etiquette. And 57 of business people surveyed by Static Brain Research Institute said a business card is essential to their business.
Also, the physical act of exchanging business cards helps create rapport between business representatives and current and potential clients.
But you may have encountered the challenges that come with exchanging, especially, printed business cards.
Potentially an embarrassing moment, including carrying a stack of them around a professional conference, seminar, or meeting
You have to invest a chunk of money in because as many as 72 of potential clients will judge your business by the quality of your card stock.
And 4 out of 10 won’t do business with you if the card looks cheap
You are likely to throw out or lose a contact’s business card within a week—and never recover it again
But what if you could exchange and manage business contacts better in the modern world?
1) Simplify how you record, organize and find your contacts
What is the best contact management app?
It is the kind that’ll help you to easily, quickly, and effectively record, store, and retrieve your contacts’ information. Its database should help you organize and find information such as names, telephone numbers, email addresses, and company roles.
With an auto-update feature such as offered by the StayTouch app, your database will automatically add changes your contact makes to their StayTouch details.
So, you don’t have to call disconnected lines and lose touch with important people to your business, career or social circle.
2) Backup information you need to grow
Almost 90 of cards are thrown away within 7 days, only 9 are digitized in a contact management app, according to the Static Brain Research Study.
So, using a good contact management app in 2020 will help you keep information on connections you need to grow.
The best contact management systems can help you log your meetings, auto-update contacts, set reminders, take notes. That way, you can note crucial details such as who introduced you, where you met, what you discussed, and what you planned and when.
3) Contact management apps make you money in business, too
Contact management apps cheap or 100% free so you can spend less managing contacts and more on other profitable core activities in your life and business.
No need to tarnish your reputation with a cheap card when you have a tight budget., either.
By adding your customers’ details, you can also use the app to build relevant buyer personas and targeted marketing campaigns based on the accurate information you’ve stored.
Your competition is probably already using swift, smart, and effective contact management apps to stay in touch with their clients, building relationships, and making more repeat sales that way.
4) Connect with your circle in their language
Your circle has embraced digital life.
For example, if you are a business that targets the millennial market, you could be risking making your business seem out of touch with modern life if you still hand out printed business cards.
Make keeping in touch easy and interesting
Having your circles’ contact details is the first step to nurturing those personal and professional relationships.
Top contacts apps can now help you retrieve frequently contacted people so you can get in touch in a tap. Others let you keep a log of meetings, so you can know who you haven’t spoken to in a while and nurture that relationship for better outcomes.
Now you can even separate personal and professional contacts. That way, you can avoid sending accidental messages to the unintended connection and maintain a clean reputation.
5) Clean up your workspace and keep in touch the responsible way
Get this:
Over 67 million tons of discarded paper in landfills every year in the U.S. alone.
Out of the over 10 billion business cards printed annually, for example, almost 90 end up as environmental waste within a week.
With a contact management app, you confidently play your role in boosting sustainable businesses to safeguard your own health and quality of life by saving trees, reducing paper waste, and cleaning your workspace.
No old, space-consuming, and tear-prone files and racks needed.
Still using a paper-based contact management system and want to be more effective you’re your contact management? Download the 100% free, smart, and easy-to-use StayTouch contact management app to achieve that starting now.
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